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Model MP518 Calcium Ion Concentration Meter Brief Operation Instruction


Operation Keys:

Calcium Ion Concentration Measurement:


(a)① is the measuring procedure by using C1 and C2 calibration solution according to producer setting.


(b)② is the measuring procedure which C1 and C2 calibration solution be self-defined by user.

Parameter Setting Schedule:

Special Notice:

1. When doing calcium ion concentration measuring, generally requests to do calibration;

2. When doing calcium ion concentration measuring, the temperature for calibration solution and sample solution should be equal or close;

3. When it is abnormal for calibrating or displaying, please set the “restore to producer setting” to be “On” to restore the meter to producer setting state, and do calibrate and measure again.

4. Please do not unplug the power source when the meter is on, only to unplug the plug of the adapter when the meter is power off.

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